So you want to start a food blog

You've thought about it for a long time. You've been perfecting your iPhone shots of quotidian meals. You're just about ready to take the leap and birth food blog #6,558,931 into the world. Good for you. Before you buy the domain and commit to the Facebook-Twitter-Pinterest-Instagram-Google+-Foodspotting-Gojee handles, you need to know that the following words cannot be used in a new food blog name. Why? Because I said so, that's why. And because everyone else has already used them already.

Food. C'mon. It displays a poverty of imagination to invoke the very core concept into the name. Think outside the CSA box, already.Cooking. Especially if followed by "with" and then your name or "in" and your location. Or worse, both. You cook. We get it.Recipes. Fine in the tagline. Leave it out of the name.Kitchen. Sorry, played out. Try making food in a different room.Girl. Recipe Girl. Gluten-Free Girl. Sodium Girl. Lotta girls out there, and they've all got a lot of headway on you. Flip side: Good news, gents. "Boy" is practically unused. Knock yourself out.What [you] Ate. I suppose it's better than blogging about what happened at the other end of the alimentary tract. Just the same, I'd be surprised if someone with your name isn't already blogging about what they put in their mouth.Musings. To be fair, I feel like this word trended much more a few years ago, but there's no reason to bring it back. Flip side: How come "noodling" never took off as a word in blog names?Any two random ingredients or foodstuffs. Connected by "and" or otherwise. Unless all the recipes on your blog only use those two things.Yummy, nummy, nom, delicious. All of it. If you have to say so, it's suspect.Chef. Unless you really are one. Like in a restaurant.Thyme. Only when used punnishly in lieu of "time." Otherwise it's fine. Likewise "fork" when used for ... well, you know.
Now, I can name multiple examples of perfectly successful blogs whose names break these rules. That's because when they launched, none of these things was cliché. They were trailblazers. To stand out, you need to be different. Be funny. Be personal. Be original.Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go post on my other blog, Kitchen Girl's Forking Food Musings and Yummy Recipe Thyme.


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If you fail to plan, you plan to fail